I'm just getting tired of seeing people calling mercury, Venus, Jupiter, the Pleiades and any bright light in the sky Elenin. These people should study the charts before making videos with disinformation.
They should study the technical specifications of the spacescraft that is producing the images they are using, they should understand the images they are using before sending out a bag full of c*** just to have views on youtube.
I can't believe this people makes videos based on obviously wrong assumptions.
What would you think if a Math teacher would tell you 9+9 = 16? In his mind he's not wrong, he just have a visual problem and sees the 9s as 8s.
If those people would mind to study before making videos I'm sure they would be much more careful and accurate. This way they are not helping anyone, just being part of the misinformation campaign they all say they are fighting. And that's sad. I' do believe in Elenin not even being a comet, but I KNOW that what they show in those videos ain't it.
Here is an example how people mistake Pleiades with something else:
This is the depiction of STEREO B Field of view.
For those that make videos comparing as is the images from HI1 and HI2 here is the info you are missing: HI1 and HI2 just barely overlap. You can't compare one with the other without taking this into account. Please make your studies before misinform people.
I understand some of you are not willing to mislead people, so please take your previous statements back!
Although there are others that after being informed of this and are still willing to scare people just for the sake of Youtube views.
What appears in HI1 on the high top side would appear in HI2 on the left side slightly above de elliptical plain. And that's exactly what is happening with Pleiades. I've sent messages to Mrcometwatch asking for his attention that he is wrong in his assumptions.
This is the first message I sent Mrcometwatch (youtube):
Subject: Share knowledge.
"Mrcometwatch... before all thanks for your vids. I've been viewing all of them.
If you don't mind I'd like to, humbly, point some things that I believe you're misinterpreting.
Stereo HI2 is directed almost to Earth. So that place were you always point out as Elenin is in fact Earth, notice it doesn't move. You can check it at http://stereo-ssc.nascom.nasa.gov/beacon/planets/ .
Taking in account the current locations of the planets in the Solar System you can confirm that those 2 points at Behind HI2 are Earth and Jupiter.
A second point I'd like to point out: HI1 cameras are pointed to nearly to half way to the extreme of Mercury's orbit and the Sun. So you can't directly compare one and an other.
Hope this info may help you reconsider your point of view and continue your work helping others to open their eyes for what is coming but with sustainable info.
Kind Regards, RManPT"
I had no response, BUT ... If you notice 3 videos ago that object that he now (top vid) says is Earth he use to call it ELENIN. I proved to him he was wrong and explain where he could find the info. In this video he changed his mind but never asks people's attention to his previous mistakes, he even uses the image I sent him.
Now he is calling Pleiades Elenin. Jiz! I already send him another lessons:
1 - From stereo B you should see Elenin going from right to left and at the same level as Earth;
2 - You can't compare HI1 with HI2 without taking in account the different angles and range they are point to;
3 - The bodies are moving with the background so they are far away.
Hope this enlightens anyone and alerts you for the deceivers, most of them with just one agenda: HAVE YOUTUBE Views ( They don't mind the crap they say, if Mrcometwatch Would mind he would have replied to my messages that I kindly sent in private to not mess with his channel).
Here is where he calls Earth, Elenin in Stereo A and Earth, Mercury in Stereo B.
Here is a video where he compares HI1 and HI2 as they had the same field of view:
He even assumes Stereo A show the left side of the and Stereo B the right side... Read The F**** Manual Please (http://www.sstd.rl.ac.uk/stereo/Documents/firstHI_Instrument_Paper_Revised_v2.pdf).
Here is the second message:
Subject: Share...
"Dear Mrcometwatch,
I'm glad to see now you look to Stereo HI2 the way I suggested, even used the info in your last vid (top vid) and the link I gave you.
I'm disappointed you didn't alert the people that your other videos were made on a wrong assumption.
This time you are telling people that that mass appearing between Earth and the Sun is Elenin, sorry to tell you that you're wrong again.
That object is part of the cluster of the constellation Pleiades. I'm sure this time you will argue with that, but keep in mind that using the coordinates I last gave you aligning HI2 with earth you will find that ELENIN is moving to the left and away of Stereo B (Check JPL Orbit Browser again please) since 08/27/11, so how can you afirm that that mass is Elenin?
Hope your intention is accurately inform and not just have visits on your channel. I oppose deceit.
Keep in mind that I've been allerting you with respect in a private way. I'm hopping you respect that and your viewers.
Kind regards, RManPT "
Of course, NO REPONSE!
Elenin should be moving left ... until I see that object moving left I don't take it as elenin.That did happen on 08/27/11 as you can clearly see on STEREO B HI1. It didn't even appear on HI2.
Why do I say it can't be moving right with the background?
Just click to see animation |
Although the art work is not perfect (it was not my intention) you can clearly see that from Stereo B HI2 point of view it couldn't ever appear to be moving to right. Please point me out if I'm wrong in any way. I'd appreciate that.
Here is a few of a sane, informed and accurate videos that presents what I'm pointing out in a clear way:
(I've been adding this videos as the movement opposing deceit comes into place. The rest of the post remains unchanged. Last update 25/09/11 13:00)
I didn't base my views on this videos neither TBar1984 or MR2tuff based their videos on my views. I guess we are just a few of logic thinkers that happened to get to the same conclusions.
I did ask for their opinion and voilá: I guess I was right from the start. Does any of you disagree now?
I wouldn't be publicly exposing this guy if his videos weren't scaring the crap out of so many peolpe. I tryed to bring him to reason privatly but he seems not to care. I don't mind him, I'm just worried about you fellow friends that take this crappy info as the truth. Neither of us knows the real truth but that ain't it. I'm still forming my opinion regarding ELEnin. I believe it is not a comet, It is not a planet and I doubt it is a brown dwarf. Still studying...
Of course I am open to change my opinion and if any of you can point out errors in my view of things I'll gladly and humbly thank you for that.
Don't believe everything they say about Elenin... Don't believe in what I say... Grab the tools and make your own mind. Just hope my views allow people to see clearer through all the background noise. If I become the noise just warn me out! :)
Be Informed, Be Strong, Be Loving and never be afraid!
Also check : What about 2012
PS: for those who don't have it here is the link for JPL Orbit browser where you can see STEREO A and B: http://secchi.nrl.navy.mil/STEREOorbit/C2010_X1.html
PS2: please excuse me for my poor English and lack of vocabulary.